MNN’s Youth Channel at ACMBoston

Media literacy trainers, Derrick Dawkins, Verena Faden and Andrew Lynn from Manhattan Neighborhood Network’s Youth Channel presented this afternoon at ACMBoston. We hope they can make it to the ACME Fall Summit!

There are a number of free teaching resources for media literacy educators available for download at the website. Here’s some of the info:

“We hope that these Peer-Training Curricula are helpful to both new and old Peer Trainers as they try to share their skills, knowledge and passions to other young people. This curriculum is not to be viewed as a rigid schedule, timeline or set of activities that must be followed exactly. Please use, adapt, modify, change, discard things as you see fit. As no two kids are the same, no two groups of kids are the same, and so no one curriculum can fit all of their needs and interests. We have created this curriculum with beginners in mind but you will need to modify to fit your students age and experience, class size, equipment accessibility, space and time constraints. We recommend a ratio of no more than 1 Peer Trainer to 8 students.

Media Literacy Workshop Curriculum
This two-hour interactive Media Literacy Workshop offers participants a chance to think critically about the media we consume everyday. Through a series of large and small group discussions, interactive activities, video clips and photographs, participants will explore the following issues: media advertising; ownership and content; media consolidation; identity and representation; and the central role media plays in democratic societies. Participants will also learn about public-access television and the growing youth media field.
The included guide is intended to guide practitioners through facilitating a Media Literacy Workshop in 6 parts. It is not a rigid curriculum, rather a source of exercises, discussion points, and connections that can be expanded or adjusted to suit the needs of a given group. We hope that you will find some of the pieces compiled here an interesting approach to building on the basics of media literacy.
VIEW THE ONLINE MULTIMEDIA COMPANION (best if viewed in Internet Explorer)

PSA Curriculum
This 7-session sequence of lesson plans and curriculum culminates in the production and public screening of two Public Service Announcements. In planning, shooting and editing two PSAís, students will develop skills and habits for successful collaboration (Communication, negotiation, listening, compromise), media literacy (media as a tool for inquiry & expression) and video production (Camera, Sound & Editing). They will learn to develop a clear message or viewpoint to verbally and visually persuade an audience. Lastly, we hope that by making these Public Service Announcements students will become more socially aware and active in their communities.

Documentary Curriculum
This 10-session sequence of lesson plans and curriculum, students plan, shoot and edit a 5-10 minute Documentary. Students will develop skills and habits for successful collaboration (Communication, negotiation, listening, compromise), media literacy (media as a tool for inquiry & expression) and video production (Camera, Sound, Interviewing & Editing).”

Visit MNN’s Youth Channel on the web.

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