ACMEBoston Podcast: “Morphing from Music: iPods Enter the Classroom”

July 15, 2006

Morphing from Music: iPods Enter the Classroom” panel and discussion at the Media Giraffe Project Conference 2006 at UMass Amherst, June 28 – July 1, 2006.

Click here to listen to the ACMEBoston Podcast July 15, 2006

Download the PowerPoint presentation from Mark Frydenberg.

From the conference wiki:


“The how’s and why’s of sending downloadable audio files over the Internet — how is this being adopted by educators? How can an Internet news operation serve the need for classroom-ready podcasting material?”


“Students and teachers as independent media producers now have the opportunity to level the playing field with mainstream media in distributing and exhibiting their work via podcasting to a larger audience. At Bentley College, students in information technology courses create audio and video podcasts to engage with a new technology and use it as a learning tool. In video production and mass communications courses, students focus on producing media to analyze the media. At Harvard Law School, teachers use podcasting to transform the classroom into a global conversation.

The presenters will share podcasting examples from students and teachers at both schools and discuss how new media tools and distribution models are creating powerful new spaces for debate, change, and learning.”


Elizabeth LeDoux is a Lecturer in the Media & Culture program in the English Department at Bentley College.

Mark Frydenberg is a Senior Lecturer/Software Specialist in the Computer Information Systems Department at Bentley College.

Colin Rhinesmith is a Staff Assistant at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, where he produces podcasts for AudioBerkman. Colin is also President of the Action Coalition for Media Education, Boston Chapter (ACMEBoston).

Video Archives from MGP2006 at University Channel

July 1, 2006

Video archives from MGP20006 are available for download. Check the conference schedule here for the list of sessions.

Most of the plenary and workshop video was recorded during the conference. Visit this link to watch video from the conference.

“Building Bridges with Blogging — a Case Study”

June 30, 2006

Photos from “Building Bridges with Blogging — a Case Study“panel at the MGP2006.

View the photos here.  View all conference photos tagged with “MGP2006“.

Watch the MGP2006 Live Video Webstream

June 29, 2006

MGP2006, Democracy & Independence: Sharing News and Politics in a Connected World, is underway today through Saturday at UMass Amherst. Watch the live webstream here:

Visit the MGP2006 blog to access the conference schedule and join the conversation online.

If you’re blogging the conference, make sure to tag your posts with “MGP2006“, to see what others are saying about the event.

Podcasting in Education Session at MGP2006

June 28, 2006

(cross-post from my blog)

As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be participating in a session on podcasting in education on Friday at the MGP2006 conference at UMass Amherst, beginning tomorrow afternoon.

To keep my presentation as close to 5 minutes as possible, I’ve decided to focus on three key points:

  • Podcasting is a conversation
  • Podcasting in education should invite participation
  • Podcasting in education should increase access to knowledge

Because RSS is the contributing factor to what makes a podcast a podcast, I will highlight three main points to help encourage the ideas stated above:

  • Cross-posting
  • Cross-listing
  • And more on syndication (FeedBurner)


As a podcaster for AudioBerkman, I like cross-posting to our AudioBerkman blog at Ourmedia. I do this because I like the Ourmedia’s mission (and their awesome Digital Learning Center) and also because it increases the chance that Ourmedia users will come across AudioBerkman podcasts.


One of the great tips I picked up from Podcasting Hacks, was what I call “cross-listing” or getting your podcast listed in a number of podcast directories on the web. This increases your chance of people finding your podcast.

More on Syndication (FeedBurner)

I love FeedBurner, because it not only keeps track of who and how many (or few) people are downloading your podcasts, but it provides a number of ways to bring more visitors to your podcast.

Also, put your educational podcast on a blog (we’re working on it). It does two important things: (1) it gives you a quick and easy way to distribute your content, through RSS–increasing access to knowledge, and (2) it invites participation and learning from others through the use of comment sections.

That’s my three cents worth. I look forward to leaving the rest of the time open for discussion with the audience and to learn from them about how they view the role of podcasting in education. I hope people at the conference (and visiting on the web) will contribute their comments, questions, ideas, etc. on the session wiki.

I plan to record audio and video from the session. I will post links to both here and at the session wiki. I hope this will help to include those who were not able to attend and also to encourage conversation beyond the session.

Colin Rhinesmith
President, ACMEBoston

MGP2006 This Week

June 25, 2006

(crosspost from my blog)

I'm working on my presentation today for the MGP2006 conference this week at UMass Amherst. I will be speaking on a panel on Friday with Bentley College Profs. Elizabeth Ledoux and Mark Frydenberg, titled "Morphing from Music: iPods Enter the Classroom".

I built out the wiki page for the panel yesterday. We're hoping that folks will contribute to the wiki during the panel by adding their notes, ideas, questions, suggestions, etc.

My contribution to the discussion will be to talk briefly how the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School (where I work) has embraced podcasting as a tool for education both inside and outside the classroom. I am only planning to speak for 5 minutes, in order to leave plenty of time for discussion.

I am asking some of the following questions, in advance (which I've also added to the wiki):

  • How are new media tools like podcasting changing our understanding of what a classroom is?
  • How can more teachers, students, and educational institutions be encouraged to use and embrace podcasting as a tool through which more access to ideas, skills, and knowledge can be shared and built upon?
  • How can a local classroom use podcasting and blogs to create global classrooms and online coversations with those who enjoy access to these resources?
  • How can students and educators use podcasting to help bring more people online to bridge both the local and global digital divides?

I hope to also get a recording of the panel (either audio or video, or both) that I will make available here, following the discussion.

Colin Rhinesmith
President, ACMEBoston

Media Giraffe Project 2006 Conference Blog

June 10, 2006

On June 29 – July 1, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst is hosting the Media Giraffe Project 2006 Conference, "Democracy & Independence: Sharing News & Politics in a Connected World".

I've been helping out with the conference blog. We're still working on the layout, but you can check in here for updates and subscribe to the RSS feed.

During the conference, we're asking participants to tag their Flickr pics, videos, links, and Technorati posts all with . This way visitors will be able to find content and media related to the conference under this one tag.

There's also a conference wiki linked from the blog that will be another way for participants to get invovled.

I'll be participating in a session about podcasting and education titled, "Morphing from Music: iPods Enter the Classroom", part of the Media Education Track. I'm going to talk about podcasts I've produced for AudioBerkman and ACMEBoston and the role that podcasting can play both inside and outside the classroom.

To learn more about the Media Giraffe Project 2006 Conference, "Democracy & Independence: Sharing News and Politics in a Connected World" June 29- July 1, 2006 visit the conference website.

Media Giraffe Conference at UMass Amherst

February 16, 2006

Registration is open for the Media Giraffe Conference at UMass Amherst June 29 – July 1. The purpose is to "unite media, political, education, technology sectors in charting the future of journalism".

I'll be running one of the workshops for the "Educating Smart Media Consumers/Creators" Track titled “Morphing from music: iPods enter the classroom”. Here's the workshop description:

"The how's and why's of sending downloadable audio files over the Internet — how is this being adopted by educators? How can a Internet news operations serve the need for classroom-ready podcasting material? Workshop leaders: Colin Rhinesmith, Action Coalition for Media Education, Boston chapter ("

The overview of the conference from the Media Giraffe site:

"Hundreds of traditional and citizen journalists, political strategists, educators, bloggers, developers, technology and media researchers will convene June 29-July 1, 2006 at University of Massachusetts Amherst for the first Media Giraffe Project conference. The Media Giraffe Project, a non-partisan, interdisplinary research effort of the UMass journalism program, is hosting the roundtable summit and how-to sessions designed to:

* Consider and recommend answers to changes to the financing and practice of journalism

* Bridge the gap between new and traditional media

* Show and consider the impact of new media technologies on journalism and the "public sphere"

* Spotlight emerging business models

* Create new networks of media innovators which bridge traditional carriers among journalism, education, politics and technology.

Constituencies from mainstream and alternative media rarely meet together, and when they do it is too often as adversaries. Yet new technologies are currently upending and interweaving the practice of journalism, politics and teaching.

"Democracy and Independence" — the first Media Giraffe Project Conference — is the crossover meeting place for leading thinkers on the impact of the Internet on media, education and politics — and the place to celebrate 'above-the-crowd' innovation.

To accomodate attendees from citizen journalism, media, politics, education and technology, a five-track event is scheduled, starting with a limited-enrollment roundtable summit, followed by a four-track conference."

Visit the conference website for program, lodging and travel details, online registration and to download a printable program schedule.